And boy oh boy does their son have some fun for his new little sister!!!
It all began with an email......
name is Amy. My husband and I live in PA with our 4
year old son (adopted from Ethiopia in Feb. 2010) through AGCI. We have
been in the process of our second adoption since Dec. 2010 with AGCI.
I came across your blog several years ago and have been following some
of the adoption stories that you have shared. My husband have been
praying about doing a concurrent adoption while we wait. I would really
like some more information on what you do as an adoption consultant and
what the process would look like.
I look forward to hearing from you. - sent February 19th
A connection- as we both have adopted through AGCI (All God's Children International) Ethiopia program. We brought out son home from Ethiopia about a year before Amy & Ian did.
Then within a few days of phone calls and emails......this beautiful family signed on to do an adoption with Christian Adoption Consultants. By
March 26th their profile was finished and ready to go!!!
May 9th they were matched with a precious birth mom that they felt a special connection to. They just hadn't really shown their profile.....but then God knew just the child and birth mother that they were to be matched with. Almost 2 weeks to the day later this amazing baby girl was born.......awwww........
2 Months from being ready to show their profile they were holding their sweet girl in their arms!!!!
Now as you can see we had the EXTREME PLEASURE of meeting with this beautiful family!!!
We invited them into our home and shared a lot of conversation, laughs, food, fellowship, and the commonality of adoption.
I may have been totally in my element? ;)
Enamored with those tiny beautiful features :).
**Yes this photo is a little off center.....guess who was taking it ;)....
My girls all took turns holding this precious little one.
Talking about how they remember when Joanna was that little....
How they wanted another baby sister.....
And just enjoying snuggles!!!
They will all make amazing mothers one day!!!!
Melts my heart.
These 2....words can't really describe!!! I am thinking.....arranged marriage? ;) he he he he he he.......
Want to talk adoption?
Have questions about how it all works with Christian Adoption Consultants?
What are the benefits anyway?
or 813-360-7368
Congratulations! WOW - I love your story. My husband and I have been interested in adopting for a few years now. We have been blessed with 3 amazing, healthy boys but still have a heart for a baby girl. Pregnancy became too difficult for me so after our 3rd, we knew we wouldn't be able to have any more bio children. Now the only tough part for us is the cost. I am a stay at home mom and coming up with the fees isn't something we feel we can do at this point. Any suggestions you have would be much appreciated.