Happy Birthday Matthew!!! Our little boy who was less than 6lbs. when we brought him home a couple of days after he was born.......On Nov 27th turned 7!

Yummy cake mix brought over from the states, topped with home made frosting, and flake bars from the UK cut up and added on top. A flake bar is Cadbury chocolate in well a flakey type bar? Hard to describe, but they are yummy!!!

A pink double decker bus??

Yep, that's right folks! For all you pink lovers out there.........here is our daughter's dream bus!

Jonathan & daddy on the bus.....we went up to the second level.....

Grandpa & Abigail as we are walking around Norwich.

The "market" in Norwich...

very busy......

The cathedral in Norwich......did you know in England you are considered a village no matter how many people you have....and a city if you have a cathedral......crazy, but true.

Looks like the movies, but here we are...

Look at that steeple...2nd tallest in England.

Looks very crooked?? Not sure what happened here?

Yep, still looking scary to me.

The cobblestone road....oldest in the area....which in England is a whole lot older than anything in the US of course....

Here's our sign!

Here we are huddled under the sign...

The riverway in Norwich...pretty

Daddy & Jonathan....

Grandma & Elizabeth....hey...the kids got balloons when we stopped to eat at McDonalds and it was entertainment for the whole day- amazing and I love how our children are easily occupied with simple pleasures....

Us on the cobblestone road...made a funny noise when a car went by too.

Thatched roof. Yep, crazy, but here it is slate, lead, or thatch- actually the traditional. Fun to see.

our trip into Norwich...as usual my pics are a bit backwards...sorry again. Oh well.

Joshua....hello :)

Jonathan....so excited to be on the top of the bus, but he kept saying buckle, buckle, and I explained that there are no buckles on the bus you just have to trust the driver. Cute for a child that came from a country where you don't ever buckle, now he is just used to it.

Our cutie pie girls......

Matthew working on his puzzle...one of his birthday presents.

Opening presents.....

Happy Birthday our big boy!

Thanksgiving dinner topped with our paper hats..

Jonathan's first Thanksgiving dinner....what is that beside him you ask.....

It is a traditional English cracker. It is a carboard type tube covered in wrapping paper with a piece that when pulled traditionally by 2 people makes a popping noise. What is inside....a paper crown for the children of THE KING OF KINGS of course, a silly joke just for fun typed on paper, and a cheap toy (well if you get the rediculously expensive ones you can get really nice things, but hey, we are not rich!)

The man I am most Thankful for !!!!! Without whom....I have NO IDEA what I would do!

My sweet babes - you are all my favorites!!! No idea why Sarah isn't smiling?? Maybe she didn't see my camera......????
So there you have it all the pics are backwards because Thanksgiving was Thursday, then Matthew's Birthday was Friday, and after opening presents we went to Norwich, but hey...it's all good!
Praying that you all have had a BLESSED time with family and friends like we definitely have! Just wanted to tell you all how much we love your support of our family. It is sooo encouraging to get comments about our family....our blog....our life.....etc. Who knew how much fun it would be to share with others about our journey in Christ. Today in church I was able to share with the congregation about our testimony of working at the camp to spread the GOOD NEWS with all the campers, and also about adoption. Adoption is such a great view into what God really desires. For all of us to be adopted into THE ETERNAL FAMILY of GOD!!! My 2 favorite subjects in my mind go very well together. Winning people to Christ & adopting children :)
We are going to London tomorrow....so if I don't have time before we leave for London tomorrow......I will not be posting until at least Thursday or Friday? I will be putting pics of LONDON though soon.......