Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Jonathan! (yesterday)

 So yesterday was Jonathan's 4th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!  He is such a handsome miracle!  I remember the first time I saw his picture sent through by Julie at All God's Children International.  We had experienced the loss of our Hannah Grace who went to be with Jesus the week before her Ethiopian adoption (she had special needs that required urgent surgeries).  As we were grieving we handed it over to the Lord and said there are sooo many children that need a home....we are still open- send us the child YOU have in mind........
 And here he is!  Our miracle that we just knew he was ours!!!

 We saw his pictures.....cheeky little boy- and said yep he is ours :)
 The other crazy part- his birthday was a day before our other son's Joshua's birthday.  That confirmed it- you see in our family we have lots of times where it seems like we are eating cake every day.  Seriously we have all of our family's birthdays, anniversary, adoption days- all in 6 months of the year!!!!  (Don't worry if we ever had a child that did not have celebrations in those months we would welcome that too!!)
 Here is Joanna tapping and pointing to all the decorations :)
 I mean look at this smile- what if we wouldn't have said yes, we will go to Ethiopia.  What if we would have missed out??
 On his cheeky smile, on his quiet voice, on his cute way he talks, to his love for anything the other boys love, for his fun personality and the way he looks at you with a smile soo big you think you could be swallowed up in it.  What if??
 So very glad we don't every have to find out!!!! 
 Joanna doesn't want to think about it either!
 I mean who else would request cinnamon rolls for his birthday!!
 Caught you daddy- licking some frosting :)
 Blow out that candle!
Look at that squeezable face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Jonathan....we treasure you.  You are a gift from the Lord, and we give thanks and Praise for YOU!!!!!  With lots of love from mommy, daddy, brothers, sisters, and your adoring fans :)  So glad to celebrate your birth!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Stuff and Blessings!!!

 Hello Everyone....did you know that my mommy uses pictures of me to get people to read her blog?  I mean she says that I am sooo gorgeous that people really only read her blog when she posts pictures.......he he he he......  :)  So here are some really cute pictures of me in the tub...Enjoy!
 Joanna telling me that she loves to play in the tub.
 Uh mommy......what is that?
 Hello - walking around in the tub because I have skills!
 Hmmm.....what does this button do?
 Mommy just wanted to post this picture because well just look at my cute belly :) 
 Oooopppsss....this is me falling down......he he he ....
 Look at me laughing!!!  Yeah I am a nut like that!!! 
 Ok recovery.....why does mommy always pour water over me???
 Check it out....this is really cool.....
Ok....I am not looking at the camera anymore......bye.....

Today.....I talked with a friend.  I think the hardest part was I sooo want to be there with my friend and not on the opposite end of the US!!! SERIOUSLY!!!!!  You see my friend is experiencing not just a bad day, a bad week, a bad month, but A FEW BAD YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Yeah, my little hard knocks seems like mole hills compared with what she has walked through lately, and in the past few years.  I started following her blog because she had lots of kids, and inspired me!  I loved catching up with her latest adventures with her family.  She is a great example of what I want to be- a mommy who loves the Lord, isn't afraid to speak her mind for the Lord, and wants to encourage other mommies!!!

Let me just STOP right now and ask you to pray for her!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Her world - and I do mean her WHOLE WORLD has crashed not once, not twice, but MANY MANY MANY times and just when you think- whew....time to take a breath.....something else happens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And I am talking serious STUFF of this world.  I love her sooo much and soo wish I could give her a hug, just sit and listen in person, and pray with her, take her kiddos to the park so she can breathe, invite her over for dinner......that is the hard part about blogging.....sometimes you live sooo far away.  BUT I KNOW GOD can help her and her family- so JOIN ME IN PRAYER!!!

Also, let me say- THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank you all for letting me pray for you, lift you up, walk your hard roads with you.  I know this sounds strange, but walking hard roads with others is a privilege - it's called being the Body of Christ!  If I had my choice I would own a plane- of course have one of my kids learn to fly it, go around the US and visit all of you!!!!!!  Be there for you and listen to you in person!!!!  But I can't!

You have given me the privilege of your prayer concerns though and let me tell you- I PRAY A LOT!!!!  I think it has become my lifeline- no check that- I KNOW IT HAS BECOME MY LIFELINE!!!  You have BLESSED ME SOOO MUCH by praying with and for me sooo many times....and let me tell you there is nothing Sweeter than knowing your sweet bloggy friends love you enough to pray for you.  THANK YOU!!!!

Now mountains.........still concerns.....still there.....but I am step at a time.  My mountains...well let's name some of them shall we?

Being in a confined space (now I am whining a bit with 10 people in 1,100 sq ft wouldn't be soo bad except we have NO YARD!) and yes it is hard when you can't get away from the constant noise or even lessen it a bit? and it is hard for me at times.

Feeling like we are floating around from place to place- you know moving 3 times in 2 months, having stuff in storage, not feeling like anything is yours, not having pictures up on the wall, feeling like we are here where we want to be, but not really having any settled feelings....

IRS- Tax Refund!  Now even though we have basically been isn't final.....and I am biting my nails as to when exactly we will see that money????  Because well- being homeless doesn't sound fun to me (if you don't understand go back a couple posts and you will find out).  I am a control freak- hello my name is Dawn and I like nope I LOVE to control things.  I do NOT LIKE the feeling of not being able to do anything about it!!!!

We are in a whole new situation- living in town, traffic, no open spaces, a lot of noise, yeah- have I ever mentioned that I have always joked that if God ever called me to be in a big city I would say- call again?  Well that would be because I am a small town/country loving kind of gal.  I prefer GREEENNNN places, with lots of gentle whispers of the wind, hearing birds and crickets, and running free in wide open spaces!!!!!!!  So this is HUGE changes for us, for me, and it has been a hard transition (did I mention the no yard thing here is very hard??)

You know when you are a parent of a hurting child/ren they can sense when things change?  Yeah if you are one of those parents you know where I am going with this don't you?  YEP!!!!  And it keeps smacking you in the face ALL DAY LONG!!!!!!!!!!  Pretty much making it impossible to do ANYTHING ELSE!!!!!  Whew...wearing you down....not letting you have any energy for anything........

And well....there are others, but those are the biggies!

NOW MY BLESSINGS THAT I DO NOT WANT TO OVER LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JASON'S JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HUGE BLESSING!!!  He works normal hours, it's predictable, he has weekends off- EVERY weekend off, he gets some holidays, vacation time, and a salary.  This is HUGE!!!  He loves the people he works for, it is a growing ministry, he loves going to work, it is a ministry, and well not to brag or anything but I am pretty sure HE ROCKS at it!!!!  Just sayin'.

I am learning to cook- which isn't perfect, but hey, it isn't too bad :)  No one has died yet....and the smoke alarms haven't gone off more than well a couple of times :)

Couponing has been going great!!!  I know I know ....more to come on that!

FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now for those who have never been without friends- WONDERFUL for you.....for those of us who have faced HUGE DIFFICULTIES IN OUR LIFE WITHOUT A FRIEND IN THE WORLD- THIS IS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!  There is a foster/adoption support group here and I can say without a doubt that all of them are WONDERFUL!!!!  And I have enjoyed ladies night out (something I have never done!) and going to the park and hanging out with our kids together- which by the way my kids have also LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :)  BLESSINGS!!!!!!!!!!

FAMILY- LOVE living near my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!  They are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  One of the reasons we moved here and seriously I LOVE HAVING HOLIDAYS WITH MY FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I LOVE POPPING IN AND SEEING THEM FROM TIME TO TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I love that my kids get to see family on a regular basis.  AND have I mentioned my cousin and her husband will be finalizing their sweet daughter's adoption at the end of the month and we GET TO BE THERE???  Ok well, we do and I AM EXCITED!!!!!!!

Ok I know this sounds silly because I just mentioned about the need for some open spaces and such, but it is nice having a WM, Sam's, Target, Publix, Walgreens, Sweetbay, doctors, hospitals (thank the Lord we have not needed one), and any other shop you could possibly need all within a few minutes drive - instead of our used to be 45min to 1 1/2 hours away!!!!!!!!  So there is a plus to the traffic...sometimes.

I know this shouldn't surprise me, but even in our tough financial position.....God has still continued to make the money stretch to pay the tithes and bills.  PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Because I can guarantee it is not me!!!!!!

MY FAMILY has been amazing through all the changes- seriously even though some of our babes are struggling with it.......on the whole they have been AMAZING!!!!!  My Hubby of course is AMAZING!!!!

Did I mention that after 2 rounds of antibiotics and 3 weeks- I am feeling MUCH BETTER!!!!

The Reeves family - has 3 new boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This always makes me happy to hear of children that are no longer orphans :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For a blog that continues to connect me to others....and for those of you still reading this incredibly long post- Thank you!!!!  Praising God through this stormy weather knowing that HE is still in control......more on my lessons later!  They are many - seriously!!!

****oh yeah there is a little boy that needs a HOME!!!!! 
Potential Special Needs Adoption Situation: caucasian baby boy, 2 days old, with some drug exposure and a muscular dystrophy diagnosis. email me to be considered:  Total cost is $6,500 
PLEASE pray for him :)  Thanks!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


 OK so does this look GREAT or what???  This is what Abigail requested for her adoption day- peanut butter brownies with chocolate frosting (all made by my amazing hubby of course and no calories here- he he he he). 
 She loved it!  And I just seriously can't get over how grown up she is.  Praise God for the great works He has done in her life. 
 This is what happens when your youngest keeps getting into the middle of the laundry as the kids are folding....he he he .....they put her in the basket and bring her to you :)
And what do you say to this sweet face?  Awww sweetie come here and give mommy some cuddles please!!!  :)  I mean she is sooo spoiled with love......and that is a great thing!

OK so a HUGE PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The Reeves have clearance!!!!!!!!!!!  The hurdles that started their adoption of the boys.....have been broken down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  WAHOOOO JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Isn't HE SOOO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I just can't tell you HOW AMAZING this is.....the hurdles - GONE!!!  Now they just wait for all the paperwork to be shipped back and forth a few times- called the Interstate Compac Agreement.  I KNEW NOTHING about this until our adoption of Joanna, but it is a legality that has to pass from the state where the child/ren lives to your home state etc.  It is so they legally are not smuggling children across state borders.  So be praying with me that the paperwork is super fast.....because the boys know they have a family.......and they want to see them & I KNOW their family CAN NOT WAIT TO BRING THEM HOME!!!!!  :)

OK on the tax refund front!  I have to say yesterday I was not impressed......I had phoned more times than I can remember, and left at least 8 messages with our tax advocate.  Not sure what happened, but TODAY!  Today I was determined to call as many times as it took to get some answers.....and I got them!!!!

Pretty much just after the office opened (pacific time and we live in eastern time).  SOOO here is the scoop for us.  There was some paperwork they wanted- our 8839's for our children from past years that they did not have to hand.  No big deal we can do that!  BUT the HUGE BLESSING IS THIS!!!  We realized when this whole thing with refundable happened that we did not file for Elizabeth.  We typically do the tax in a box- you know the CD thing.  Well that year when we put in our adoption credit- which never made a difference because we never made enough for it to serve a purpose.  They only allowed us to put in 2 children and had in tiny print that if you adopted more than 2 in a file by paper and add an additional page. that never happened.....that was in 2008.  Yeah, so we just thought after we get our tax refund this year we will have to take the time and refile for '08, '09, & '10....yeah we were soo looking forward to that- right?  NOT!  But hey, it was going to be beneficial....but after this whole fiasco.....dread!!!!  Today our tax advocate asked and the IRS agreed to just put it through for us!!!!!!!!!!!  Are you serious!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT IS SOME SERIOUS THANK YOU JESUS THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  NOW- I am still very aware that this is still going to take more time than I want, but at least it will already include Elizabeth, and she said we should hear something by Monday- except she doesn't work Monday so it will be Tuesday.......  BUT we are much CLOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am PRAISING GOD FOR PROVIDING!!!!!!!!!  For giving me hope that the money will help our family!!!!  That my pleas - my desperate times- my battles that are not against flesh and blood- my time of some severe pruning............have a purpose, and our MOUNTAIN MOVING MIRACLE WORKING GOD IS  GIVING us Favor with HIM!!!!  Because although it is ONLY money, we still have to have it to put food on the table.

PRAY for all of you who are still battling for your tax refunds.....PRAYING because it is out of our hands and that is a HARD place to be TRUST ME I KNOW!!!  I thank the Lord that we still live in this great country that has this benefit!  I praise God for our great tax advocate who took extra time with me today and got all my questions and answers - quickly!

Now the other person who deserves some credit is: my husband who has put up with my pruning period which has been hard for him as well.....because today he asked if he could leave early to pick up my pieces of panic at not being able to find the paperwork for Elizabeth which they obviously needed.  I thank God DAILY for giving an amazing man to me to be with forever!  He is my other half- the one I depend on- the one I know will hold it together when I fall apart and the other way around.  It is amazing if you have a husband like this- seriously BLESSED!!!  Thank You Babe for picking me up off the ground and helping me in sooo many ways they are too numerous to count!  I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Awwww.....and for those who are going through serious periods of insanity, of testing, of pruning, of financial issues, job worries, adoption can I pray for you?  This is after all the Body of Christ!  Thank God for HIS UNFAILING LOVE NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!  Even when our situations don't change and our mountain ranges are unbearable- GRACE!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Couponing help 101 pt. 1

If you are wanting to learn more about is a 101 lesson......
This is a LINK to TRUE COUPONING a CHRISTIAN BASED teaching and links :)  This is a starting point.  If you have never done couponing before- START HERE!  If you are only cutting - spending lots of hours pouring through adds- DONT!!!!  It is a waste of time- go HERE and read first!!!

I will post more on that later :)

I also wanted to ask for everyone to pray for the Reeves family :)  They have already encountered the "brick walls" of adoption and I ask that we as a family of God come together to PRAY over them, over their children, and over every obstacle- GOD CAN KNOCK IT DOWN!

PRAYING because the 3&4 yr old may have a family as well- BUT again just pray with me!!!!

Just got news yesterday that irs hasn't gotten back to our tax advocate!!!  Yeah....were supposed to have an answer last Friday...... Our advocate said legally she has to give them until Wednesday to respond- then her boss calls them!  PRAYING that soon we will find out - yes we will get our money soon.....or no they need more???  I can't tell you the number this has done on my brain.  Trusting and then taking it back- yep I am trying, but being honest in that I am NOT PERFECT!  Yet again....for those who didn't know- I AM TOTALLY NOT PERFECT!!!!!  The sheer stress is no fun!  PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING, PRAYING, reading Scriptures, and keeping up the normal days of our  family, and PRAYING some more!!!!!

Thank you all for your prayers for the precious children, their new families, for everything to go well, and for our family too- THANK YOU is just NOT ENOUGH!!!!!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Another sibling group needs a home :)

Siblings – 4 and 5, boy and girl, respectively – need a FL or GA family – agency is not willing to consider other states at this time – fees are $22,000 – both are reported healthy, no concerns, developmentally on target.  

**Don't forget to check out my last post about our beautiful Abigail, and pray for the Reeves family as they grow their family by 3 very special boys!!!!

Beauty From Within....Happy Adoption Day Abigial

 I can't believe that it has already been 9 years ago that we got to testify in court saying YES WE WANT ABIGAIL MARIE WRIGHT as our daughter forever!!!!!  She had been with us transitioning in the first several months, but with us for over a year.  She came to us at 14 months old.  It's like it was yesterday....I remember her beautiful smile that I have been privileged to every day since then. 
 I mean this is her morning face- well she had a few minutes to wipe away the sleep.  She is a bit like mommy- give me a few and I'll be with you :).  But that smile.....she had us hook, line, and sinker from the first time we saw her cute little one year old legs come down the stairs at Bob & Cindy Fluggee's the family that fostered her before she could come to us.  They are an amazing family!!!!!!!!!!!  :)
 Dear Abigail.....God protected you in so many ways.....brought you to us........and we are forever Thankful!!!!  One thing about our Abigail is her heart is soooooo BIG!  She considers it pure joy to read the scriptures, loves praying for other families or children that are in need, and well.....her heart.  Let me explain- most tweens are not like her.  She is respectful, has a mind to follow Christ, and desires to learn more how to do that.  She says wonderful things like "you know mom I am 11 and usually whatever age I am that is how many we have in our family."  Yeah like that :).  When she sees my blogs or pictures of children in need she will ask, listen, and follow through with how they are doing. 
 She may complain about hang nails or a bruise pretty easily, but she doesn't complain about having to share her room with 3 sisters- in fact she welcomes it!  She doesn't complain about not getting everything she wants and has never even thought of giving us a "list" of wants for her birthday or adoption day. 
 You see......she has a heart for HIM!  I praise God DAILY for this.  No...she isn't perfect, but really close ;)  And that is why her beauty is not just on the outside, but GLOWS from within!
 **had to throw this in for fun- helloooooo- Joanna I don't think you are awake yet....he he he he- too funny.
Here we are at the park having a picnic having fun (we got to meet up with another family earlier....and did I take any pictures- of course not- oh well).

*****PLEASE PRAY WITH ME OVER THE REEVES FAMILY!!!!  YOU KNOW THAT ADOPTION IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE AND THEY ARE FACING IT RIGHT NOW.  THEY ARE THE ONES THAT ARE ADOPTING THE 3, 4, & 5.  THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (this link is to their other blog just in case you are wondering it is the same family).

Thursday, June 16, 2011

FAMILY FOUND- my mountain range is still there......but I am not worried- today!

 First of all I want to Give GOD PRAISES for an amazing family that has been chosen to parent the 3, 4, & 5 year old brothers that I and many others with me have been advocating for!!!  God is sooo very Good!!!  Let's lift this family up in our prayers as they prepare to meet their new sons, for the birth father, for their family and all the transitions that will be coming soon!!! 

Want to help out?  GREAT I knew you would!  They are still short less than $10,000 - that isn't much!  Come on- $5, $10, $100, $1,000- whatever you can give!!!  Thank YOU!!!!!!!!!!
 You may think that after my last post- that I finally got it together- he he he he - yeah, me too.  I guess God said I have a lot more PRUNING to do.  Thanks God!  Yeah, sounds nuts to me too, but that is why He is God and I am NOT!!!  Instead of removing the became a mountain range- seriously?  Let's just say yesterday was an all time low for me since losing our Naomi.  That low is not fun.....and don't get me wrong it wasn't as bad as losing our Naomi- losing a child there are just no words!!!  But it was really really really low.....why- well let's say I lost it.   Yep, put away those fantasies that I am a glowing mommy, a darling wife, and I am perfect- HA!!!  Very far from the truth.

I seriously went around crying, complaining, whining, screaming- and well- it was a very very very low point.  I put something on facebook, and had some comments- some helpful, some not.  BUT someone put this article on there and let's just say it helped me get myself at least sort of out of my slump.  

Along with a lot of prayer, more crying, more screaming mostly at God, more pleading with God, more prayer, more crying - you get the ugly picture.  

And then it was as if a peace washed over me.  All I can say is- it was a divine intervention that I needed.  
 No  - my mountain "range" is still there.  Wish it wasn't, but it is.  But God gave me that peace that none of understand to help me see that HIS GRACE is still in fact there!  

There is a song that is on Christian radio...can't remember who sings it, but it starts off- I lost my keys in the great unknown, could you call me please....cause I can't find my phone. ...... this is the stuff that drives me crazy, this is the stuff that gets to me lately in the middle of my brokenness I forget how BIG I'M BLESSED!!!  That's it.....when we look up and we see the mountain range, and we even know we have that grace we still loose track of our Blessings too- EVEN IN THE HURTS!!!!  Sometimes that peace comes because God shows us again, and again, and again- and even when we miss it- again!!!
 This are some pictures of Jason and I's first date since we have been here.  My sweet cousin Heidi and her 2 girls came over last Saturday - I thought to just come over for dinner.  But my hubby had other plans.  He swept me off my feet and took me here- Siesta Beach........and it was perfect!!!!!  (you would think after this I was revived to deal with my mountains, but nope- I am a slow learner). 
 I even got to spend time Sunday evening with a great new group of women who have fostered or adopted!  Yeah, that helped, but I was still missing something......... (told you slow learner).
 Sometimes we can see the sunset, know who created it, appreciate it, take a deep breath and STILL MISS IT!!!!! 
That is what it was like for me.  God has given me sooo much to be thankful for.  My beautiful 8 blessings, my wonderful husband who has done so well at his new job (just braggin' a bit), a place to live, food on the table, health care, clean water, clothes, and well this list should and could go on for hours and hours.  

It is like this last picture.  We have to know and see God's Grace through His Handwriting- called scripture!  We have to see His Sincere and Deep Love for our communication time with Him!  I want to encourage all of you going through some times maybe like me. To really know that there is HOPE even when we don't see that handwriting, even when we are in the desert of nothingness, even when we are broken and feel we can't be fixed...God still writes to us- God and You -together forever no matter what!!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Urgent Need- still! What if God doesn't move my mountains?

 If you did not read my last post- please go back and pray for this sibling group of 3 boys ages 3, 4, & 5.  They need a home quickly with a family that is homestudy approved, and ready to go.  PLEASE join me in prayer for the father who has made this very hard decision.  I can't imagine the grief and pain, yet knowing this is the only way.  Also if you know of anyone who is willing- please let me know ASAP!!!  The total cost will be around $30,000 depending somewhat on the travel arrangements.  THANK YOU!!!
 These pictures were taken this past weekend....which is something I want to share more about, but not right now.  You see this weekend has been a challenge to me and I have to write about it.  I have to think about what it means to me on a deep level and this is a way to help me process.  

The last couple of weeks in general have been an extra challenge because on top of being of our little ones has regressed with behaviors.  Some people call it this or that- let's just say it is HARD no matter what you call it- what letters it has- it is ugly.  It is NOT God's plan for them.  It is HARD ON EVERYONE.  It has consumed A LOT of extra time!!!!
That being said......we almost missed church this past Sunday- yeah....won't go into details but seriously THAT BAD!!!  Spiritual Attacks from all sides.  Not going to lie - it wasn't good.  But then determined we went to the 1pm service at our church- WHICH WE LOVE by the way.  

Our pastor spoke on "The Mountain".  You know the Stuff that stands in our way and belittles us....makes us feel sooooo inadequate.  For me it just makes me ache for heaven- because all of that will melt away.  I want a magic answer- you know pray and all will be well, but that isn't how it works.  So many people say- well my grandma died, or my dad walked out, or I got cancer so there must not be a God.  I am NOT saying those aren't hard things- THEY ARE MORE THAN THAT!!!!  BUT it isn't a reason to not why are those problems still there?  Why doesn't God move them out of our way?  I mean HE CAN!!!!  HELLO He created the Heavens and the Earth!!!!!  

So what does that mean?  Our pastor talked about Shouting at the Mountain- you know yelling at it long enough to go away.  Yeah- done that this week.  Running into the mountain- you know if I could just be a better _________ I will run into the mountain and it will crumble.  Tried that too this week.  Trying to ignore the mountain- this is not really something I have tried lately, but in the past - yep.  Or Lamenting the mountain- "sitting in the mud puddle" as my blog friend puts it.  DONE THAT A LOT THIS WEEK!!!!  

So why is this pain not going away?  Some will say- just deal with it already- but that doesn't help because you see that HUGE MONSTROUS LOOKING MOUNTAIN is STILL STARING ME IN THE FACE!!!  

Because sometimes God is waiting......for us......get have enough of ourselves.  OUCH!!!!!  Are you tired of yourself already???  - because right now.....I know I am.  I have failed tooo many times to count and that is just today!  God is waiting saying if you want to try shouting, running, lamenting, or ignoring you can try that as loooonnnnggggg as you want.  I will still be here when you are through....waiting patiently like the prodigal son to return.  I am not going anywhere- my heart still yearns for you to come to me, but instead we keep "fighting" that mountain.  

God says as we stop our attempts to "take down the mountain ourselves"....are you done?  GREAT - now He whispers- GRACE!!!  You didn't hear that?  GRACE- a little louder God- GRACE GRACE GRACE GRACE GRACE- over and over and over and over until our feeble minds start to see it.  It's not the mountain moving, our pain hasn't gone away, but God is still whispering- GRACE!!!!  MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU!!!!  You have plans, but I plan your footsteps.  This burden will become a Blessing, but only through my hands.  It is NOT that God hurts us, or wants to cause us pain, but there are soo many times that we are through- finished- we gave up- we are DONE, and that is when God smiles and says to us- have you had enough of yourself?  

Do you want to see and trust in me- GRACE!  Do you want to know my heart- GRACE!  Do you really want to know how to follow me- GRACE!  Do you want to get rid of your anger, hate, buried deep below- GRACE!!!

WE have to decide if what we want is more important or if wanting God is most important?  We have to TRUST and the ONLY way to do that is GRACE!  GRACE directly from God's Hands.  Will you and I step forward today to receive that GRACE?

God's TRUTH:

John 10:10

New International Version (NIV)
10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

What is most important.....what God wants or what we want?  GRACE to all of you!!!!   

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Urgent NEED!!!!!

Sibling set of 3 boys ages 3,4,5. Can give you more info if you are serious and are homestudy ready. Prefer a home in AZ or GA , but this is not set in stone. Private FB message or email ?s
If you know of anyone that may be interested please spread the word and get back to me ASAP  They are wanting a placement NOW!!!!!  Thank YOU!!!!!!
PRAY WITH ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THANK YOU!!!!!!
 Also if I could ask that you add my family to your prayer list that would be wonderful.  Some spiritual battles that are just has become very hard. 

Friday, June 10, 2011

Few starting couponing tips, and life's roller coaster rides

 So Busch Gardens has a new ride called Cheetah Hunt!  It is sooooo FUN!!!!  We went on it last Saturday :)
 This is the Cheetah's that are close by and getting to see them run is AMAZING!!!  They are soo very fast!
 Here are a few pics of the ride which shoots you off 3 different times, goes upside down- but it is a roll so it is less intense, and makes you leap with the tracks a fun family ride!!!  Our kiddos LOVED IT!  And since we still have our platinum passes until the end of the month we got to go early to ride it :)
 So for all of you waiting my "couponing tips"  I just want you to know- I AM JUST STARTING, but to give you all some encouragement to step out if you think this can help your are some things I have experienced and been told.
1)  Don't give time you don't have- start slowly :)
2)  Does it save- ABSOLUTELY, but be careful and know your prices.  ***Little tip.  I did a breakdown of all the things we typically buy on any given month from shampoo, to chicken, to diapers, to veggies, etc.  So I have a cheat sheet on how much I typically pay for most items we use.  That way I know pretty much how much I am saving.  Here is the thing- YOU DON'T have to be EXTREME COUPONER!!!!!!  I have saved over $200 since I first started & I only take around 2-4 hrs a week!!
3)  One tip someone left was about going more vegan and yes that does help, but my hubby would NOT be happy.  There are plenty of tricks though about making your meats go farther with rice, adding ground turkey, or other things- and if you have a hubby like mine you can still please him and still save :)
4)  HOME MADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Seriously shop for items that aren't pre packaged.  Yes I know you are saying that most coupon items are for pre packaged I get it, but there are some that really are just on regular items too! 
5)  Here is how I have saved most of my money-
Buy One Get One Items that are reasonably priced that have store coupons and or manufacturer coupons or BOTH!!!!!!!!!  Yes you can use them both at the same time!!!!!  Some of the items I have gotten.................
lunch meats, hot dogs, rice, toothpaste, deodorant, dressings, toilet paper, shampoos/conditioners, hygiene items of all kinds, potato chips- yep I know what can I say sometimes we don't always eat organic, but I do make sure to have plenty of veggies and fruits too!!!!  Buy One Get One Items
6)  Check out some reliable coupon sources - that is where I am blessed because True Couponing is specific to the Tampa area and they tell you ahead of time - what all the great buys in the area are....what newspaper they were in.....and all the future sales.....all in one easy click :)  There are other sites too like crazy coupon lady and Southern Savers that do this too.
7)  ALWAYS buy generic when there are no deals....and STOCK UP when there is a good deal.  True couponing says to do this for around 12 weeks because that is the average "cycle" to the coupons come out again for that product.  But DON'T try to get every bargain because you will stress yourself out!!!
8)  Get organized...some use binders, I just have a file box, whatever works for  you.  Then I take the coupons I will use and put them in a plastic baggie. 
 9)  ONLY GET THINGS YOU WILL USE.  This is NOT hard for larger families.  And no I haven't stockpiled for 3 months - our home is too small right now, and we don't have that much extra in the budget but in the long haul there are severe savings if you do this.  So do it gradually.
 10)  I have started off getting 4 Sunday papers- well worth the savings. 
More tips to come when I have taken the class on the 20th :)

Well this roller coaster ride has been hard on my health recently.....had to go back to the doctor yesterday - again!  Got some more meds....and praying this finally gets rid of my congestion and nasty cough that is lingering for over 2 weeks now.......whew.  But I got to share about adoption while at the doctor's office and that was GREAT!!!

In fun news:  Joanna is now walking more than crawling!!!!  Now get ready, get set, GO!

With this roller coaster we are riding part of the that we are living in a townhome with a yard 10' x 30', and a square footage of 1,100 square feet!  So Kelli guessed right :)  Great Guesses!!!!!

So the cooking....yeah, the thing that caught me off guard.  I don't think I have done bad with it.  I do have a weekly menu- not for each night just the general week so if I have more time or less time I do whatever meal accordingly.  The advantage is we have a grill here and that has been amazing help!!!!  I do only basic meals, but they have all been on time and ready to roll for when Jason gets home.  The other thing that helps is that Jason is very encouraging and not critical- not that I thought he would be, but that has really been wonderful!!  Of course I have the best hubby on the planet just in case you didn't know :) 

The other great part to our roller coaster- FRIDAYS ARE WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!  We actually get to enjoy weekends with family- a more set schedule does have perks.  Pray you are all having great weekend!!!!!

