Monday, May 31, 2010

What is a Memorial?

In scripture every time something significant happened they had a stone, an alter, a festival, or a name change. That is how they celebrated in addition to making sacrifices as well.

So on this Memorial Day- I ask you how do you remember Christ? Really- how can we remember our need for HIM? How can we constantly surround ourselves with more of HIM?

So here are some ways in the Wright Home we try to remember Christ.......
We do family devotionals,
we do a family worship,
study scripture on our own (us as parents model this as well as encourage our children who can read to spend time in the Word),
read books that are thought provoking towards the scripture,
try to keep our lives pure from outside influences (tv, or bad language, those pictures that are not of a healthy Christian influence, etc.),
wear modest clothing,
give tithes,
give offerings (yes these are not the same thing),
prayer several times a day,
ask forgiveness of each other when we have done wrong (that goes for everyone in the family not just our children),
we have decorations around our home celebrating our faith,
wear t-shirts with scriptures,
our kitchen cabinets are full of scriptures our children have memorized,
we memorize scriptures together,
we keep each other accountable,
we remind each other of the miracles that have happened in our lives :),
we remind each other of prayers for ourselves and others,
go to church & Sunday school,
we tell others about Christ at camp,
we homeschool specifically to teach our children more about Christ- having complete control over our curriculum is a great asset to bring Christ into all we learn,
we dream together about what our world can look like when we follow Christ (read about evangelists, Christ followers- present & past),
we talk daily of some of you others in blogland and what God is calling you to do,
look into new ministries together to open our minds to what God can do through us if we allow HIM to,
we TRY OUR BEST to remember Christ in ALL WE DO. We are NEVER perfect, but ALWAYS FORGIVEN!

Philippians 3:12- "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do:Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

This scripture is one of my favorites! It reminds me that all of us have growing to do....all of us are not perfect......there is no such thing as a perfect family, perfect church, or perfect life- just a perfect God that we serve. Some day we will have perfect bodies & lives. That is what we are straining for!

So what helps you remember Christ in your homes? What are some things you do together as a family to remember Christ?

Thank God for all the service men and women & families that have protected our right to REMEMBER GOD FREELY- Thank YOU!!!!! You have made sacrifices most of us can't possibly imagine.

1 comment:

  1. Loved reading your thoughts on remembering Christ. I keep mementos of of things everywhere to help me remember special moments. I keep a 'love box' where I store things that God showed his love to me through (poems, music, cards, etc)

    and many of the things on your list! :)


