Monday, February 14, 2011

The changes in our family over the years pt 2

 So I took these last night, but let's just say Joanna has several outfits with hearts and love on it :) 
 So from our crazy crew to yours- HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Yes, she is pushing her feet on the floor and pushing - of course- backwards :)
 Here she is saying daddy push me again- I love it...
Here daddy is working with me on standing, but my look is a little strange :)  Oh well.....I was totally laughing and giggling, and of course my new skill squealing :)

More of how our family has changed over the years..........

*  We used to think that giving was - well you know- the 10% that is stated in the Bible.......he he he.....  BUT Thank God over the years HE has shown us that ALL our money was God's.  So even when times are uncertain, when you don't have a job, when your finances are tight, when you are expecting- again :), still ALL your money is HIS.  That is sooo very hard for me to even still think about.  WHY?  Well I am a planner.  I like to have all my ducks in a row.  And yet....there have been so many times when God shows up and says - do you trust my plans more?  OUCH!!!  Again, and again, and again......and still I have sooo much more to learn in this department.  I am reading Hole In The Gospel and let me tell you - this book is eye opening!  Thank you God for speaking through others to my very heart.

*  We used to just watch whatever we wanted.  You know who cares about what is in the movie- I mean we know what we believe.  We would never think about talking like that, but it's just a movie- right?  Well, until my godly husband said- no more!  And we together threw those movies in the garbage- FOR REAL.  WOW- I totally hated that idea at first.  And then my heart changed.  Then when thinking of things to give up to keep our hearts more pure for guessed it those wonderful shows on the tv......we gave those up too.  At first just for a monthish, but let me tell you it again changed my heart.  BIG TIME!!!  I can't explain it.  It's not that I think those things are wrong.  We didn't watch trash as such on tv, but there was a bit of trash mixed in.  Just a little - right?

Why would I write to you my bloggy friends about this?  NOT BECAUSE I HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER!!!!  For this would NOT BE TRUTH!  I just really felt like I need to share my testimony.  These are things God has worked on in me.  They are not perfect.  I am not free from the desires of this world.  I wish I were.  I want to be, and yet I am not perfect.  BUT I am striving.  I am working on my heart.  Allowing God to search you is HARD.  It is not something I want to do 99% of the time, but it is necessary to allow God to shape us, change us, and heal us.

If you have a desire to be healed - look to the Scriptures, pray, ask God for help daily- or hourly better yet- every minute!  Ask for strength to be renewed.  And when you fail, because we all fail, then get back up and allow God to brush you off and work on you again.  :)  My only prayer is that my failures encourage you to keep going to keep growing in God.

If you don't know God.....let me introduce you with these verses John 15:9-13  "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.  Now remain in my love.  If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love just as I have kept my Father's commands and remain in His love.  I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.  My command is this:  Love each other as I have loved you.  Greater love has no one than this:  to lay down one's life for one's friends."

This is God's picture of love for you- take it my friend it is better than any earthly valentine :)


  1. Amen sister... not just money, but time, talent... life!!!!

    Our rule... if I feel uncomfortable watching with my kids- we dont own it. (part of the reason we dont have cable!)

    Praying for you in your move- and the big changes in your life!

  2. Right on! We haven't had tv for years and we made a choice when our oldest 2 were small to mindfully watch our words to and about one another and what we set before our eyes. Huge blessings have come from that.

    God is love and love never fails. So very thankful for that!
    Much love!

  3. Very well said! Love it! Praying for your packing and moving!
    Love and prayers!

  4. Man, I can't believe how big Joanna is getting! Just amazing!
    I hear you on tv/cable/movies. We do have it but are very strict with it (my 15 yr old's must see tv show is The Duggars :) ) But I have found--especially as we approach the teen years that we are very much in the minority and I feel like a so strict mother--but I remember what I watches as a teen (no rules at all) and how those images can stick with you!! and pop up even when you dn't want them too!

    Praying as you move--for housing/job etc.

  5. I am reading that book too! I love it and it IS eye opening, indeed. Certainly has made me think more and more about my own life, and that of my kiddos.

    It's exciting to see the changes happening in your life. I enjoy reading along and look forward to your move - best wishes getting all the packing done. It is not something I am very good at. :)

  6. Love the changes you have made! And don't think I didn't catch that little comment on you expecting! BTW- so am I- it's a secret and I am praising him!!

    So here is my confession- I have no time for TV except some Nick Jr and sprout- preschool shows for the kids that I love ;-)

    BUT I still Tivo 2 shows- not godly ones. One is a soap opera I watched with my mom (who passed away) for 40 plus years- wow. I honestly feel comforted watching it- BUT I don't really get into it. Okay excuses and the other...ain't gonna tell ;-)
    (Okay it's DHW) I may have issues...


    Joanna is just so darn cute!


