Oops how do you rotate pics? Oh well. For math we use Math U See, plastic clocks, change, manipulatives- Math u See has them and they work great for us, we also use other bits- whatever it takes for our kids to "get a concept" across.
The next book is one of 4 little books. It is a great book for building up the creation story. Letting your children know why you believe what you believe. It is a collation of children's questions answered about creation. HIGHLY recommend- you can get them at answersingenesis.org
Kid's Guide to God's Creation- again- Christian Book store, but this is a great science resource as well :)
Along with massive maps of the world, the US, England, etc. on the wall, books about London's history, the kings and queens, etc. To me there is nothing better than showing them real history- like our trip to England last year was fantastic, taking them to National parks and talking about how it used to be, seeing old cabins, cooking over a fire, Little House on The Prairie, anything to excite them about what life used to be like. And anything that can give them a glance at people from the Bible. We are also using a series of books that have short bios in them of 10 Girls that Changed the World/ 10 Boys that Changed the World- and there are 5 titles on boys 5 on girls. Our kids love them!!!! They are all about average people and missionaries that changed the world for God!!!
OK so for language- yep again a lot of different things. We have Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons- which we love. Right Brain Phonics- which is great for the struggling readers- yep have those. Turbo Reader which is great for readers that are just needing more practice especially on certain types of words, etc. We have flashcards of all kinds in this home for math, letters, numbers, shapes, colors- you name it! Sequential Spelling is GREAT! We also just go through the Dictionary - with words to learn for vocab. Along with First Language Lessons & Writing with Ease. These are both basic ways to start your children off in Language. Of course we throw in those books you get at the store to have them practice a lot as well. We also have writing practice daily- where they journal, copy from books, do their spelling words, etc.
If there is one thing that I totally RECOMMEND from my list it is a science curriculum we have from Answers in Genesis!!!!! WE LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! LOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has the whole range of science for elem, middle, and high school! The lessons are set up that you start with World of Plants and work through the books. In each lesson there is a beginner, intermediate, and advanced section. There are plenty of hands on - EASY activities that come on disc :) Lots of color!!!!
We also do lots of fun activities with bubbles, electric snap kits our kids have gotten for gifts, etc. How to make Home Made Toys book, Bath Tub Science, Little Hands- creative nature crafts, etc.
Love the Zoo, Aquarium, & Museum Guides!!!! These are guides for going to the Zoo, Aquarium and Museum and seeing it all from BIBLICAL perspective!! AMEN! Science and the Bible series also fantastic because it has independent cool things you can do at home explains the theories behind it, and the science. All of these are from Answers In Genesis! A wonderful ministry that has a museum as well near Cincinnati OH- actually technically in KY. If you live anywhere near here or are traveling past it- GO!!! If you have questions about how does science and Bible go together? GO HERE!!! They have hundreds of articles on loads of questions that I have all the time! AMAZING!!!!!!!!
As well as if you are looking for a fun web for your kids to look at with science- go here!!!! It is Answers In Genesis page Just For Kids! They have activities, mini videos, coloring pages, fun facts and pics of all kinds of animals, amazingly wonderful answers for those tough questions your kids ask you. Can't say enough great things about them!!!
OK so enough ramblings for now. We also use Jumpstart K, 1, & 2 on the computer for computer time. For those in 3rd and above we use Switched On Schoolhouse. Which we love as well. But I insist on having one on one, and group times with our children. I want them to have fun on the computer and learn how to use the computer and do learning there, but I LOVE the contact with them. He he he - the reason we homeschool. So there is a real mish mash right there. We have drawers full of school things, games, and books, we have literally 100's and 100's of books!!!! I really try to do as much reading about anything and everything as possible with them.
More on my real philosophy on homeschooling later.......which may explain a lot :)
So what do you use? I love to hear other ideas, websites, etc. :) So if you homeschool- let me know what are your favorite curriculums, books????
I have thought about Answers in Genesis for science...it looks great!
ReplyDeleteI like a plethora of curriculum options and we use a variety of them.
Some of our likes:
BJU heritage studies
Language Smarts
Kumon workbooks for preschool
Still looking for the elusive perfect fit but we are happy with our current choices.
We don't homeschool - (yet, anyway!) - but we love Answers in Genesis! The museum is great and we love the magazine and DVDs, so it's great info to know that they have some good homeschool offerings as well, should we decide to go in that direction.
ReplyDeleteWell I wouldn't say I am a homeschooler but next year I will have to do all the preschool teaching to Jackson and Olivia in Ethiopia and then Jackson will go to kindergarten at Bingham in Ethiopia. But if we come home there is a school that is like a co-op and you go two days a week and homeschool 3 days. So with all of that I love the idea of homeschooling but we just dont know what that will look like. I just started teaching your child to read in 100 easy lessons with Jackson and he loves it! I also love the Kumon books to teach him simple preschool skills like preprinting, cutting, folding, pasting, etc.
ReplyDeleteCool Dawn!! I just love your family!!!!!!!!! :-) We use My Father's World (MFW) for Bible, Science, and History. I love how it's Biblically centered and teaches history and geography by using creation as the starting point. I like that I can teach multiple ages simultaneously. We also use MFW for math and language arts in kindergarten and first grade. From second grade we use Abeka for language and math. And this year my 3 older sons are enrolled in Abeka Academy, while Mr. Toddler is starting MFW kindergarten.
ReplyDeleteI love your new blog look! It is so appealing! Warm and comfortable! I probably missed the big day it came out- oops!
ReplyDeleteNow I'm going back to read the post!
Blessings to you!!
Okay.... love the list. I'm going to check out some of the things you listed.
ReplyDeleteI'm using Alpha and Omega Horizon series. Lovin' it (especially math)... my oldest digs the worksheet thing. But I'm feeling myself branching out... getting a bit braver.
Dawn...I recognize a LOT of those resources! We like the ones we've obtained from Answers in Genesis and there is another science resource I don't see on your list that we really like too: The Young Explorer Series produced by Apologia Educational Ministries (you can get it from one of my FAVORITE homeschool resources, which offers cheap shipping for those of you who don't live 5 minutes away like me and carries both new and used materials...http://www.exodusbooks.com/). The Apologia series is fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThis was so helpful!!! Thank you for taking the time to write this post and let us know all the wonderful things you are doing with your kids. I am in week three of my first year of homeschooling and I love to see what other families use in their home. We use Writing With Ease & First Language Lessons too. I am also using All About Spelling, Singapore Math, and Sonlight for history and reading. Thanks for the tip for science. I loved checking out their website and I hope to add their books to our collection soon.