So- the story continues. I of course at this point am talking with the birth mother in the room for a while. She was sooo sweet, and friendly, and happy - although I know she was hurting. After a while the lawyer said we had to vacate the room - the hospital already let us use it longer as it was. So the birth mother left after I had dressed this sweet girl in her take home outfit. She said all of the baby stuff they give you at the hospital is for her. In fact when our agency called back saying it's all good that you are late just go directly to the hospital- the birth mom felt bad for me? What? Relief!
So after the birth mom left the lawyer talked to me a bit. Then she helped us get downstairs keeping in mind that at this point I had all my luggage with me still. Once we got downstairs the desk helped call me a cab to go to our hotel. Once at the hotel- I was overcome with joy, in awe, and wanted sooo desperately for Jason to be there.
So I passed time, skyping, e-mailing, etc. Of course we did not tell anyone yet- until papers were signed on Saturday. Now you all may think was cruel, but after losing 2 sweet girls we couldn't stand it any longer. We decided a part from family- everyone else would find out on Saturday - a little over the 72 hour wait Pennsylvania has.
I paced the floor the next day waiting for Jason to arrive......2 hours after his flight landed!!! As soon as he came in the door (because it was cold outside) I placed Joanna in his arms. We decided to venture out to Target only a couple of blocks from the hotel to you know- get more pink things :) And of course we bought the movie Blind Side to watch later at the hotel (we had seen it in movie theaters, and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!!!!!!!!!!!).
We ate at TGIFridays which was next to the Target. It was great showing our little bundle off and spending time together, although I really missed the rest of our clan!
Then Saturday approached and I was nervous, sick to my stomach.....realizing I never asked the lawyer when they were signing the papers. So I called and she said she was on her way over......from her place to theirs - it was about an hour this was at 10 til 9am! I was going out of my mind. I cried, I paced, I prayed- continually, I just wanted to know it would be ok! Funny I really never felt that nervous until that last couple of hours.
Then the call FINALLY CAME!!!! At 11:20- they signed the papers, but they don't want to meet. The mom did give me her cell though. OK. Immediate EXCITEMENT, and then a bit of sadness. Jason would never meet her, and I hadn't taken any pics at the hospital- terrible I know!!! We started notifying everyone- my parents, Jason's parents by Skype- who didn't even know what we were doing yet, and we couldn't get a hold of them sooner with timing and traveling and the time difference. My cousin Heidi, my brother, and the list went on......
Then we get a call from the agency saying the birth mom is upset because she thought she would get to meet us while we were still in town. Yeah!! I mean not that she was upset, but that it was a bad misunderstanding and we would get to meet. So I immediately called her and we set up to meet later that evening. We met at TGIFridays again- only nicer type place to eat in that direct area. We talked over so many things. She is soo fun to be around. Amazing how that works. Then we went to Target to get some pics-but their machines only run until 7pm....oh well let's go buy some more outfits- her birth mother picked out. We gave her a letter, and some mementos, and exchanged some information.
Jason has to leave Sunday and we get to meet the Beatties! Dorean & Brian - 2 of the most wonderful people you could know! They are friends of Tracie's -from Christian Adoption Consultants. The Beatties take us- Jason to the airport, and me back to their home a little ways outside of Philadelphia. They thought of everything and had it set up for me while I am here- WOW!!!! God really provides!!!! So thankful!!!!!!
Since I have been here- I have had a great time talking, getting to know them, and enjoying some great company from brothers and sisters in Christ who support adoption! So there you have it- I am hanging out here until I get the all clear to leave the state. Pennsylvania has to approve it first. Then I can't enter the state of Louisiana until they then in turn approve it afterward as well. When I get the all clear I will fly to Houston......and wait with some of our wonderful AGCI families :)
We hope to be together as a family for Easter- please pray with us for this to happen!!!!!!
***Some have wondered so I thought I would point it out. Joanna is also a Biblical name. She was a follower of Christ. One of the posse if you like. You can find her in Luke 8:3 & 24:10. She was one of the women who went to the tomb and reported back with the Mary's to the disciples. So how perfect is that - she is an Easter present- with an Easter name as well. You know we didn't plan that- we picked that name a while ago. God knew!!!!! And that is the story so far of our remarkable little angel called Joanna Faith Wright.