First some noteworthy things.......dreams. Now sometimes dreams are just dreams. Sometimes they are what we are thinking about. Sometimes they are a glimpse of God's love and provision, and I believe that God can also use dreams to tell us things. I do not believe that dreams were only for those in the Bible. :)
So here is where I am headed. BEFORE we announced that we were doing our homestudy update- I had 3 separate people who I haven't met in person, but have become friends with through FB. Other adoptive families tell me that they specifically had dreams about our new addition. In addition to this- I had a very vivid dream last night that I had given birth to a child. Now for those who do not know my story you can go here to read why without a miracle from God that would be impossible. :)
I love how God places dreams from others and through others to speak to me. We actually received a phone call for a possible placement well before I posted about it here. We are open to another special little one- who may be differently abled, are being patient (well trying anyway), and listening to who God has in mind. Since we can't share private details you probably won't know about it.....until it eventually happens :).
OK so we know that we know that we know! Satan hates our guts. It's true....and not shocking. Well not anymore that is. Since our eyes were opened to spiritual attacks and the whole idea that when you are loving and caring for others, starting or being involved in ministry, adopting, raising children to know the Lord, and fighting for your marriage in a good way- you will be attacked. It may be through many different areas of your life that you don't expect.
In my many years I have seen and heard from others things like: job layoffs, appliances dying, tree falling on your car- as you are leaving to pick up your new child, financial difficulties, your children rebelling, crazy things coming between you and your spouse, health, and the list could go on for years. The thing is I do not believe that all things are just random. I do believe that there is a war happening for the souls of our children, our neighbors, our friends, our selves, and those we minister too. You see if you are doing something God Honoring- then you should expect trouble. I didn't say- LIKE IT.....just know that we need to keep going and not give in because of it!! Because OUR GOD IS GREATER!!!!! AMEN!
John 16:32-33
New International Version (NIV)
33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
The thing is well this last week has been pretty rough around the edges for us. Surprise- NO! A big feeling of are you serious- YES! So here is our list from this last week.....
* We had someone come pump out our septic tank (yes we live in the city and have a septic tank- weird huh?). He told us our "lines" are not good and they need to be replaced- $2,000-3,000. Awesome right?
* Our air conditioner has frozen over- or just stopped working daily. Yes we live in Florida- and we are using our air conditioners already. Sorry for those of you still scooping snow, but hey the humidity has already been well like Florida usually is at this time of year. So for now we are turning it on and praying it works long enough through the day to help at least cool the house a bit before it flips a breaker or freezes over. Fun times. Cost $6,000+.....more awesome.
At this time we are thinking ok- enough!!!
* Our dishwasher stopped working- the only thing on the list that is under warranty. Praise God for that, but the repair person can't come until Friday. Lovely....but hey it will make us appreciate it that much more when we get it back up and running right?
* Then a couple of nights ago I went to put some ice in my water before bedtime after Jason and I had watched a movie. There was frost on everything and well.....yep our refrigerator had died! Completely died. The only good thing is that we do have a second refrigerator- and yes we use both all the time. Remember we try to only shop once a week, and well just fruits, veggies, milk etc. alone is a big portion for our fun sized family. ;) Cost $2,000ish.
This is now what our refrigerator that is in our garage and our countertops look like. Yep- loads of fun.....except we can't find a lot - a little squished ;). We are however very grateful for a few things- one we found out about it before all our food got ruined! YEAH!!!!!! Second we have another refrigerator, and even though it is far from ideal- it works....for now. PRAISE GOD! **oh and don't stress the mayo isn't open just in case you spot that on the counter top.
So we would appreciate prayers because we are not sure of how and where God will provide. We know HE WILL. It may be living without some things for a while. It may be through miracles we don't know about that are at work right now. It may be through whatever God provides because - listen up- HE IS OUR PROVISION. We do not look to this world we look to HIM!!!!
When we take our eyes off of HIM is when we start to sink. I will NOT say I have not been
So there you have it. Our life is sometimes really crazy. Sometimes we feel like we can't handle it- and to be honest we can't! God CAN!