Friday, April 16, 2010

What does it feel like to adopt?

Enjoy these beautiful pictures of Joanna Faith Wright- taken by Dorean Beattie while she was hosting the 2 of us. The wait until Pennsylvania gave the ok to leave. They were so wonderful in taking great care of us. Including the fact that she is a photographer and captured these great shots of our sweetie!!!!

Oh so tiny :)
Who says babies don't smile? Ours does!

So what does it feel like to adopt? Well- it is LOVE in action. You know most people say I just don't know if I could love an adopted child like I love my own.

First- your child is your child whether they are adopted or born to you. Just a clarification.

The difference if there is any- is that your adopted children may come to you at hours old or at 12 years old or even older. They may know of their history....which may or may not be hard to deal with. They may have special medical needs or not. They may have special emotional needs or may not. the way I see it- they are really VERY MUCH LIKE having biological children. Sometimes you think- what in the world? Other times you jump for joy at the progress they have made. They are a source of sheer joy & sheer pain. Sometimes it is frustrating, sometimes it is completely wonderful!

Adoption is a choice - a conscientious vision that parents have for their family. What makes people make that choice? A CALLING! From Christ. A calling that says those crazy things that you may have to do to help your child. Those moments of all the WAITING that drive you crazy- you deal with. Why- because it is a choice to love even when you personally may not even have met your child/ren yet.

It is similar to marriage. It is a forever agreement. It doesn't mean it is always easy. You don't always feel like dealing with that other person. You may not even always feel a deep love for them. You may feel at times like you want to break that commitment. You may feel like it just isn't working. (**disclaimer I know there are some reasons an adoption may have to be dissolved, but I believe that it should be taken very very seriously- just like marriage should be!) BUT if you believe that God is the ultimate healer then you have hope for them- NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!

So what does it feel like- it is the hardest, most joyful, painful, wonderfully sweet, agonizing, prayerful, difficult, and yet so worth it experience EVER! If you have never considered adoption. I pray you do. I pray that you don't let any negative stories on tv land change a deep sense of calling that God lays on your heart. I pray that you will never let anyone stand in your way. Whether it be because people say you don't earn enough, or that you already have too many children, or that it will be hard (hello everything in life worth anything is hard work :).

Encourage you all to pray about it for yourselves, and if you have adopted how can you encourage others around you?


  1. The pictures are breathtaking. Be still my heart.

    When I looked at the pictures, I thought of the tons of times that I've been asked if I "love them all the same." Just look... that is pure love.

    I've been feeling led to post about encouraging others to adopt.... thanks for the push.

    Much love in Jesus,

  2. Beautiful post. And beautiful pictures--such touching moments she captured!

  3. You are very photogenic, Dawn! Great pictures...and great message.

  4. Oh - and Joanna is very photogenic, too! :)

  5. LOVE that picture of your forehead on Joanna's. I've given birth and adopted-older children and babies and you are SO RIGHT-there is really NO DIFFERENCE in the love we feel for any of them. We loved them all right away whether 5 years or 2 days old! HUGS! She's a beauty!

  6. Awesome pictures! Awesome post!

  7. My favorite are the pictures of YOU TWO together...soooo much love!!!!!!!!! Precious...prayers answered from every angle!

  8. Love your post, love the pictures! It is truely the most joyful and without a doubt the most heartbreaking process.

    Take care and hugs to you,

  9. Oh she is so super cute! I would just LOVE to give her a cuddle!

    Bless your heart mama!


  10. beautiful post! and what a beautiful baby girl!!!!!

  11. Wonderful post! And adorable baby!

  12. Excellent post! She is so precious....what a beautiful additional to your beautiful family!!!

    Love her curly hair! :)

  13. Amen Sister!!!

    Beautiful post and Beautiful pictures!!

  14. Thanks so much for the adoption post...loved it and the photos! My baby is 7 and these pics are giving me baby fever!!! I hope and pray that someday we are blessed enough to be able to adopt!

  15. Thank you,
    From a family that has not walked away from a dream. You are saying exactly what needs to be said. This is why we didnt walk away when it wouldve been so much easier! I cant wait to actually hold her and hear her voice. After almost 2 years of loving this little one we dont know........

  16. Another wonderful post. It makes me want another child NOW! I can't wait until it is our turn. Your newest daughter is breathtaking.

    I am so happy for you and your family.

  17. Such a true and encouraging post. Thanks for sharing your heart and pics!!!

    For someone who is just beginning the process, it helps to hear the truth. You all are amazing!!!

  18. Love Love Love the pics! PRaying for yoU!

  19. hi. i am new to your blog. i wanted to comment ...oh you could just eat those tiny feet up!!!! so cute. congrats.

    we are preparing to adopt from Eth. : )

  20. those photos are breathtaking. And I LOVE this post!!!


