Thursday, November 21, 2013

Why did we adopt?

 Today's pictures are brought to you by- family time during my GG's funeral now weeks ago..... 

I thought I would cover the topic of Why did we adopt since this is still Adoption Month! 
 At first it was because we couldn't have biological children.  I mean we still can't - I had cancer when I was 8 and a total hysterectomy.  Me being here is an amazing miracle!!!  :)  PRAISE GOD!  You can read more about my miracle life- HERE
 So that was obvious.  I think when we first looked into adoption we looked at domestic adoption, but thought - well the things people still think's expensive and takes years!  He he he....several adoptions later!  I know a lot more than we did back then!!! 
 So we started with foster care- which is FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Now along with that comes the fact that the children may or may not stay with you forever.  In our case Abigail stayed....although there were many, many bumps in that road. 

Then along came her biological sibling Andrew.......and he stayed.  By then Matthew was also born.....and he stayed! 
 When we moved to Louisiana I think we felt that we could do foster care again because there is a need to.  I don't think in that moment we were really worried about adding to our family permanently, but said that if a child needed a forever family we would be that family for them. 

Then God sent Joshua and Sarah....then Elizabeth as well!!!!  And after a 3 year roller coaster- they all stayed as well!!! 
 You know the saying if you are doing this much what is more?  Not sure exactly how the saying goes??  Obviously my brain needs a break ;).  Well at this time I think we though we have 6 kiddos.....why not add more??  We came to a place of wanting a break from foster care.  That 3 year journey took a lot out of us!!!! 
 We had learned of the need for adoption around the world.  I mean the numbers were staggering!!!  Over 143 million orphans!!!  We thought we can bring another child home.  So we picked a country where we wouldn't have to stay too long keeping in mind we had 6 kiddos at home.  We found Ethiopia and at the time it was one trip for a week.  :) 
 Our last two adoptions came out of a lot of pain and loss.....of our lost referral.  But we really felt that the Lord had more children out there.  I mean at this point we were experts at making a dollar stretch, and we had open hearts and minds to what God called us to do.  So after not getting to go back to Ethiopia......
 we found Christian Adoption Consultants!!!!  PRAISE GOD RIGHT :)!!!!!  Within a week of signing on Joanna was ours legally!!!!!!!!!!!!  CRAZY STUFF!!!!!!!!
 Then came the next time we used Christian Adoption Consultants- before we became consultants ourselves :).  We felt called to special needs adoption, and of course Christian Adoption Consultants had just started a new special needs program (which is for children over the age of 3, siblings, or a child with a known diagnosis).  Perfect timing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
 We then applied to many situations, but a month later- Michael came our way.  You can read his story- It is the most read story- Our Son's Story (scroll down the page a bit and you will see the most read stories). 
Every time we felt God prompted us in that time, in that moment to open our homes.  It hasn't been easy.  We have faced years worth of back and forth with foster care, our Hannah Grace went to be with Jesus before we could bring her home from Ethiopia, then us cis gave us issues and we couldn't bring home our Naomi, we have sacrificed way more money than I remember, way more time than really matters, and paperwork- don't even go there!!!!  We have had more social workers in our home than should be legal ;) along with CASA workers, and homestudy updates!  CRAZY STUFF! 

BUT THE BEST PART- is that GOD WROTE OUR FAMILY'S STORY!!!!  The best part is that God has helped us through all the ups and downs, the losses - ours as well as our children's.  God has given us strength to keep going even when we thought we couldn't any more!!!! 

Every time we said YES LORD we will......HIS ANSWER WAS I will give you strength, finances, and perseverance to run this marathon.  IT. WAS. WORTH. IT. ALL.  Pretty sure that is what our Savior says about us as well :).  PRAISE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what is your story?  If you have adopted- why did you adopt? 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful testamony! I am over at We were called to foster care as well and did foster care for 9 1/2 years. Thru those years we adopted 5 times. We had over 40 kids go thru our home in those foster care years. All of the children we adopted were special needs, medically fragile or both. We had a lot on our plate and retired from foster care 5 years ago. God has helped us thru every day in every way. We recently reopened with foster care again. Still no placements though. We cant seem to be relieved of the feeling that we could raise at least one more if it is Gods will. We will see what God has in store. Blessings!


