Sunday, September 8, 2013

Campfires and Connections

 Today's post pictures brought to you by Uskichitto Retreat Center vacation time! 
 As a former camper, counselor, and Christian Camp Director there is just something to be said about the uniqueness of a campfire.  It is just different than any other activity.  I remember when I was a camper and we would share about our faith, our walks, our stumbles, our praises to God around a campfire.  Then as a counselor/camp staff there is just something special that comes out around a camp fire that doesn't happen any other place. 
 I think God designed it - He must have because it is so very special.  Being in the great outdoors, fresh air, smoke in your eyes, the warmth of the fire, cooking smells of hotdogs, not to mention the yumminess of smores right?  The peace of being in the dark and yet the clarity of that very reality it is just you and God.......
 The fun of friends/family with you at this very special moment. 
 The relaxing environment.......
 Just makes you feel invited to connect. 
 No electronics anywhere!  (Just marshmallows right Joanna?)
 No distractions! 
 Just fun and smiles. 
 Those you love sharing food and crazy fun. 
 There is just something special about it. 
 Being able to share that time with our children was priceless! 
 We had a great time just relaxing and getting that focus time with them! 
 We loved it! 
If you have the means to somehow do a campfire- DO IT!  Put away the electronics!  Nothing usually works well in the woods anyway, or if it is in your backyard- leave the phones inside!  Disconnect for a bit, and reconnect to what is the most important- God, your family, your's refreshing!

1 comment:

  1. I was just telling Jim today about the way cool "sandwich" makers that we used to make individual pizzas over the campfire with you all. So fun! So yummy! I'm going to buy some.

    It was WONDERFUL to be at CAMP with you!

    Laurel :)


