Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Our weaknesses

 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.'  Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.  That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong."

This scripture- seems so strange at times.  These are the verses we have worked on the last week with our kids to memorize.  We memorize scripture with the kids for school.  When we first started I was like ok yeah have heard this scripture before...

Well....little did I know that God had plans to show me what it meant.  You know God likes to do things like that.  There has been a real "test" going on in our home.  For ME that is.  You see I like to have all my ducks in a row.  Just the way I am...which is good sometimes, and well not for other times.  I don't like being weak.  I don't cry unless it is a deep hurt.  I don't like people pointing out my downfalls- who does, but when it comes down to it.  I am weak....much more than I know or admit. 
 BUT the great part about being weak is that it is then God's power rests on me.  WHAT??  Yeah- scroll back up and read that again.  It is when we are weak - and BOAST about being weak that God's power rests on us!!!!  Not only that we are to DELIGHT in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, & difficulties.  WHAT  - really???  YES!!!  Why?  Because from personal experience (I am sure we have all had these).....when we can't do it- it is then HE CAN!  How easily I forget and try once again to put my ducks in a row and "show off" how wonderfully I can do it.....and then it hits like a brick- Back OFF!  You can't do this.......but God says "I WILL".

So for those of you out there who "feel" weak, or inadequate, or doubtful of what is going on with people who seem to persecute you and insult you, give it to God....because my friends it is NOW in these times that God's Power is resting on you.  Soak it in....know it is holding you....and know that God's Power does NOT FAIL EVER!!! 
 Now for my personal proof of what God can do.......my beauty who was thinking that holding daddy's Mt. Dew can was funny. 
 Yes....she is trying to lick the can........
And when she realized everyone was looking at her- her cute cheeky face comes alive :)

May God's Power rest on you today my friends!


  1. you had me at the first sentence. my day has not been good. i needed to know he has me covered.

  2. Thank you! Keep doing what you're doing, may God bless you.

  3. Stop by my girl's blog for my latest give away. I think Abigail is up to the challenge : )
    It's the post titled orlando and a wrinkle in time.

  4. Oh, girl!!! I am hearing ya! I just read down a few posts and see that our families have some serious craziness around this time each year...We start our BD celebrations Nov.14th and then hit December with the 11th, 24th and 26th! I always feel a bit weak as we enter this season. What an encouragement to know the One who holds us together, grants his sweet peace, and can tend to our Momma hearts as He carries us through this season with only the power and strength He can give!!

  5. Thank you. That was so timely. Reading your post was like getting a second round of devotional time this morning. :-) Very refreshing.

  6. Oh boy, I sure needed that after waking up this morning feeling like I've been failing my kids. Thank you.

  7. I live this verse daily. Most times not because I want too but just because I can't do it all, or even some of it! I know it's a good place to be, in God's strength, but sometimes my flesh of wanting to be strong and in control fights against that, if that makes sense.

    God is such a gentle lover of my soul....always teaching and always loving!!
    Much love!

  8. Wow! That is such a good verse! Thanks for sharing. Your Joanna is precious, I love her little teeth. How old is she? Zoe was born in April just curious if they were around the same age. =)

  9. Great post!

    In reference to your comment on my blog about using vinegar as a cleanser...do you use it straight or diluted? I've considered it before but I've never pursued it because of the smell. Our oldest hates the smell of vinegar.

  10. That verse is so true~ it's in my blog header! I too thought it was kind of impractical until God took my very active self and put me on bedrest for a few years. And he loved me and transformed me and I was so powerful because my very breath was His! But it's still hard, even now, praying for you as God teaches you this lesson

  11. That is my favorite verse!! I saw you through some comments you made on the same blogs I read. :) Love the cakes your hubby makes and love your big family. Looking forward to following along.

  12. I love that verse! I'm like you in that I hate for people to see my weaknesses - I prefer everyone to think I can handle anything - but truthfully I can't! I need to rely on the Lord to just get through most days!

    Your little girl is growing up fast & oh, so cute!
    Hope you have a wonderful day


