Awwww......aren't they cute?? :) So we got a new camera. Finally!!! However, I just now actually downloaded the pics so now I have more catching up to do.
This was Joanna's reaction to Mommy, Abigail, and Andrew being HOME from camp!!! She was thrilled to have us all back again. She really struggled with having us gone. A big shout out to my awesome hubby who held it all together!!!
So these are some pics that I didn't post in Abagail's birthday pic post because... I hadn't downloaded them yet ;).
So I enjoy sharing what our family is doing. So here is the deal....we are becoming oily. THIS IS NOT A SELL JOB!!! I am not going to start posting all the time about the wonders of Essential Oils mainly because there are literally 100's of people doing this already, and I have information on my pin board about oils too!!!
I just simply want to share what I have learned so far. :)
I have ordered Essential Oils from both DoTerra & Young Living :) he he he....cause I did. It's all good and I am pretty sure I am not going to be captured by the police for it!!! I have many friends that sell them both, and I was curious about them.
I do have to say that Young Living's intro Oil packet (so to speak) is cheaper!!! That's all I am saying about that.
So I am a believer in Thank You Lord for medicines, doctors, surgeries, and THE GREAT DOCTOR'S HEALING. God made us to think and use our skills to help each other. However, something about constantly taking medicines for everything is also worrying. I am not one to hand out medicine on a regular basis. I use sparingly. However, I do also want my babies to be comfortable as well as myself.
That is where the oils have come in!!! With just the intro pack so to speak I have been able to take care of many "everyday" things. From rashes from unknown source, poison ivy (specifically), headaches, body aches, bug bites, ear aches, congestion, sinus control, sore throat, sun burn, and more. It seems a bit crazy at first. Learning what is for what, but now Joanna will even come to me and say mommy I need some lavender for my itch, etc. It's kinda adorable!!!
I think the thing is using oils is natural and unless you are allergic to them there are no side affects that I have seen. Now you can't use them and then stick your finger in your eye before washing your hands ;), but really they are very family friendly. And the oils last a looonnngggg time even in a family our size!!!
I know there are many combinations of oils too that can really help children from hard places. We have just started our journey in that. I think it took quite a while to really convince me of "is this real" ;). I can say that we have been using some to help Joanna go to sleep at night which is a real issue for her. They seem to be helping- YEA!!!!
I think too when you have children who are from hard places there are times when you want to "give them something" because they ask. I definitely don't want to just have them "popping pills". Giving them oils is another way to say yes without harming them for sure!!! Some of our kiddos struggle and I want to say yes as much as I can!!! Kind of like Karen Purvis' - give them a 100 bandaids if that is what they need. Don't sweat the small stuff. Give them an oil!!! Especially when you know it will help too :) in more ways than one.
Awwww.......isn't this sweet?? This is what I came home to. :) I must be loved and missed!!!!
He got me roses and a laptop pillow for my bed. :) Have a blessed weekend!!!
Friday, June 27, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Just Get Out There!!!
Now before I get loads of comments on is this a ketchup commercial, are you an extreme couponer, or do you really buy that much is the answer to all the above. This is our date night from last week that of course ends up at Walmart ;). Don't all great dates end up there or Sam's or Target?? OK never mind just us then?
(Picture above from our "date night" with Joshua- we went to see a semi-pro basketball game with him, and he loved it!)
So the real reason of this post is that I saw an article that got me thinking on some things. It was about putting on your swimsuits moms and dads and get in the water with your kids. Don't let your insecurities get to you. Don't allow your personal thoughts about your body stop you from doing things.
So I started thinking about myself. Do I ever allow my thoughts about myself stop me from doing things with and for my children. I think the answer for all of us is Yes. Now maybe not because of our own self image, but maybe for other reasons too.
Maybe it's because you are trying to "get ahead" in your work so you keep saying no to playing with your children. Maybe it's because you really just don't like an activity. Maybe it is self image, not just in your swimsuit, but what if those people at the park stair at me being silly with my children. Maybe it is about what others at church will think of you if you raised your hands or got into your worship to the point you weren't worried about others around you.
We have all done it at some point to some degree. I have certainly said well I don't want others to look at me in that way. I don't want others at church to see me as "different". I don't want to be made to be silly because I stink at this sport. I don't want to be known as "that mom" who does it all. The list could go on.....
I want to take time to encourage you! You who (like me) has some extra pounds, who isn't good at a sport, who thinks people may think you are crazy. JUST GET OUT THERE!!!
I promise you your children won't remember that part. What they will remember is - MY PARENTS GOT OUT THERE! They may have stunk at basketball but they played with me or took me to a basketball game and cheered loudly from the sidelines with me. They may have not been able to swim laps like I do, but they got in the pool with me and we splashed and had so much fun. They couldn't sing worth anything, but they sang praises to God with all their heart in worship to Him.
They will remember the important times when YOU WERE THERE for them. Physically spending time with them. Saying I am here with you and enjoying these moments with you. Those cute videos I have of all of Micheal's achievements those are because since the beginning when he does his therapies Jason or I are there with him. We are there cheering him on. When he cries or struggles like he did in today's therapy that we are humming along to calm him down. We and the therapists are telling him you can do this!
Now, I am sure Michael could do a lot in therapy with or without us there, but how much more can he do because we are WITH HIM! Getting involved.
Sitting on the sidelines is sometimes needed. Sometimes we have to take a sanity break, but sometimes we just need the encouragement that we need to GET OUT THERE because my children NEED ME!! They need me to get in there and be with them. :)
No condemnation here---- just encouragement!!!! We are all struggling parents trying to do our best ;) What can you do today to be more involved with your kiddos?
(Picture above from our "date night" with Joshua- we went to see a semi-pro basketball game with him, and he loved it!)
So the real reason of this post is that I saw an article that got me thinking on some things. It was about putting on your swimsuits moms and dads and get in the water with your kids. Don't let your insecurities get to you. Don't allow your personal thoughts about your body stop you from doing things.
So I started thinking about myself. Do I ever allow my thoughts about myself stop me from doing things with and for my children. I think the answer for all of us is Yes. Now maybe not because of our own self image, but maybe for other reasons too.
Maybe it's because you are trying to "get ahead" in your work so you keep saying no to playing with your children. Maybe it's because you really just don't like an activity. Maybe it is self image, not just in your swimsuit, but what if those people at the park stair at me being silly with my children. Maybe it is about what others at church will think of you if you raised your hands or got into your worship to the point you weren't worried about others around you.
We have all done it at some point to some degree. I have certainly said well I don't want others to look at me in that way. I don't want others at church to see me as "different". I don't want to be made to be silly because I stink at this sport. I don't want to be known as "that mom" who does it all. The list could go on.....
I want to take time to encourage you! You who (like me) has some extra pounds, who isn't good at a sport, who thinks people may think you are crazy. JUST GET OUT THERE!!!
I promise you your children won't remember that part. What they will remember is - MY PARENTS GOT OUT THERE! They may have stunk at basketball but they played with me or took me to a basketball game and cheered loudly from the sidelines with me. They may have not been able to swim laps like I do, but they got in the pool with me and we splashed and had so much fun. They couldn't sing worth anything, but they sang praises to God with all their heart in worship to Him.
They will remember the important times when YOU WERE THERE for them. Physically spending time with them. Saying I am here with you and enjoying these moments with you. Those cute videos I have of all of Micheal's achievements those are because since the beginning when he does his therapies Jason or I are there with him. We are there cheering him on. When he cries or struggles like he did in today's therapy that we are humming along to calm him down. We and the therapists are telling him you can do this!
Now, I am sure Michael could do a lot in therapy with or without us there, but how much more can he do because we are WITH HIM! Getting involved.
Sitting on the sidelines is sometimes needed. Sometimes we have to take a sanity break, but sometimes we just need the encouragement that we need to GET OUT THERE because my children NEED ME!! They need me to get in there and be with them. :)
No condemnation here---- just encouragement!!!! We are all struggling parents trying to do our best ;) What can you do today to be more involved with your kiddos?
Friday, June 20, 2014
Spiritual Growth & Happy 12th Adoption Day Abigail!!!
Sometimes in our life there are times of huge spiritual growth and sometimes there are seasons of slow growth. Sometimes we even feel stagnant. I would love to say that I am a "perfect Christian", but that would be so unrealistic!!!! I mean it just is for anyone!
These past few years have been hard. Struggles I never thought I would face. Challenging behaviors in our home- and that is just my behaviors forget the kids or hubby!
This past week I was able to go to camp with over 100 jr/sr youth from our church!!! I have to say that I LOVE CAMP!!!! Even though we knew we couldn't stay where we were before has no bearing on the fact that I LOVE CAMP!!! I love the ministry that happens there....I love the campers.....I love sharing Jesus.....I love playing with other adults and kids in an atmosphere of FUN!!!! I LOVE WORSHIP and just focusing on where my heart is and where it needs to be!!!
So it was great to get back to something that I love, but also because I have been seeking hard after Him.......and waiting....and waiting. This past week I felt breakthrough. I felt like I was there for the campers first and foremost, but also that God had a plan for me too! That I needed to remember WHOSE I AM!
It was awesome!!!! Awesome because even though there was some crazy- there always is. Even though I am still catching up on lost sleep ;). Even though there are major things I need to work on. God has given my heart a new focus.
I am starting to read "Praying Circles- Around The Lives of Your Children" by Mark Batterson. IT IS AN AMAZING book for ANY PARENT!!!! GRANDPARENT!!!! THOSE EXPECTING!!!! I got it because a friend of mine recommended it. I was not prepared for the rejuvenation in my heart for dedicated prayer for our children, those of my clients, family, friends!!!
Children are my passion!!! Pretty obvious ;). I love children- mine, my friends, my clients, the beautiful children everywhere around the world that don't know Jesus or are without a family!!! I LOVE THEM ALL!
This book gives you just a boost of the why's & how's of serving children through prayer. You know there are so many times as a parent that we know we mess up- BIG TIME! There are times we pull our hair out. There are times we are down right ashamed of our actions and words. The thing is though that we are human just like our children. We have to say sorry, but we also have to understand WHOSE THEY ARE!
As in they don't actually belong to us....they belong to the Lord! They are all on loan from Heaven. We can't actually lay claim to them because the are God's!! We can however pray fervently for them. For them to find families, for them to know Christ as their Lord and Savior, for them to follow after God, for them to learn and grow spiritually, for healing in their lives, to speak life over them.....and so much more.
I think sometimes my life gets a little crazy. There are changes that take my brain time to catch up on. There are things that sometimes overwhelm me. It's true. I have to take that time to step back, catch my breath, and do what I am called to do- GROW, SHARE, LOVE!
I want to pour into people! I want to pour into relationships knowing this isn't easy. There is drama. There is heartache. There are praises. There are times of huge growth. There are times when you beat your head against the wall.
Funny how that works because it is just like my spiritual growth! ;) Yep God has a great sense of humor. If you aren't sure where you are in your spiritual growth- step back, breathe, pray, seek.....God has this!!!
HAPPY ADOPTION DAY ABIGAIL!!!!! Yep, of course the day we get back from camp with our church it is Abigail's Adoption Day!!!! 12 years ago we said our first YES TO ADOPTION!!!!! Blessed doesn't even begin to cover it. Abigail is an amazing young lady.
We have a camera now- ummm....but I haven't uploaded there may be pics of that coming...
Abigail- I am privileged that I am your mom. I wasn't there for the first time you cried, the first time you rolled over or sat up on your own, I didn't get to see you take your first steps, or see you on your first birthday.......but we have been privileged to see you grow in beauty!!! Not just physical beauty which you have had since birth, but spiritual beauty!! I am praying for you daily because I know there are times when it is hard. There are times you want to throw your hands in the air.
I just want you to know I don't take a day for granted and am so joyful that I get to share my life with you!!!!!
These past few years have been hard. Struggles I never thought I would face. Challenging behaviors in our home- and that is just my behaviors forget the kids or hubby!
This past week I was able to go to camp with over 100 jr/sr youth from our church!!! I have to say that I LOVE CAMP!!!! Even though we knew we couldn't stay where we were before has no bearing on the fact that I LOVE CAMP!!! I love the ministry that happens there....I love the campers.....I love sharing Jesus.....I love playing with other adults and kids in an atmosphere of FUN!!!! I LOVE WORSHIP and just focusing on where my heart is and where it needs to be!!!
So it was great to get back to something that I love, but also because I have been seeking hard after Him.......and waiting....and waiting. This past week I felt breakthrough. I felt like I was there for the campers first and foremost, but also that God had a plan for me too! That I needed to remember WHOSE I AM!
It was awesome!!!! Awesome because even though there was some crazy- there always is. Even though I am still catching up on lost sleep ;). Even though there are major things I need to work on. God has given my heart a new focus.
I am starting to read "Praying Circles- Around The Lives of Your Children" by Mark Batterson. IT IS AN AMAZING book for ANY PARENT!!!! GRANDPARENT!!!! THOSE EXPECTING!!!! I got it because a friend of mine recommended it. I was not prepared for the rejuvenation in my heart for dedicated prayer for our children, those of my clients, family, friends!!!
Children are my passion!!! Pretty obvious ;). I love children- mine, my friends, my clients, the beautiful children everywhere around the world that don't know Jesus or are without a family!!! I LOVE THEM ALL!
This book gives you just a boost of the why's & how's of serving children through prayer. You know there are so many times as a parent that we know we mess up- BIG TIME! There are times we pull our hair out. There are times we are down right ashamed of our actions and words. The thing is though that we are human just like our children. We have to say sorry, but we also have to understand WHOSE THEY ARE!
As in they don't actually belong to us....they belong to the Lord! They are all on loan from Heaven. We can't actually lay claim to them because the are God's!! We can however pray fervently for them. For them to find families, for them to know Christ as their Lord and Savior, for them to follow after God, for them to learn and grow spiritually, for healing in their lives, to speak life over them.....and so much more.
I think sometimes my life gets a little crazy. There are changes that take my brain time to catch up on. There are things that sometimes overwhelm me. It's true. I have to take that time to step back, catch my breath, and do what I am called to do- GROW, SHARE, LOVE!
I want to pour into people! I want to pour into relationships knowing this isn't easy. There is drama. There is heartache. There are praises. There are times of huge growth. There are times when you beat your head against the wall.
Funny how that works because it is just like my spiritual growth! ;) Yep God has a great sense of humor. If you aren't sure where you are in your spiritual growth- step back, breathe, pray, seek.....God has this!!!
HAPPY ADOPTION DAY ABIGAIL!!!!! Yep, of course the day we get back from camp with our church it is Abigail's Adoption Day!!!! 12 years ago we said our first YES TO ADOPTION!!!!! Blessed doesn't even begin to cover it. Abigail is an amazing young lady.
We have a camera now- ummm....but I haven't uploaded there may be pics of that coming...
Abigail- I am privileged that I am your mom. I wasn't there for the first time you cried, the first time you rolled over or sat up on your own, I didn't get to see you take your first steps, or see you on your first birthday.......but we have been privileged to see you grow in beauty!!! Not just physical beauty which you have had since birth, but spiritual beauty!! I am praying for you daily because I know there are times when it is hard. There are times you want to throw your hands in the air.
I just want you to know I don't take a day for granted and am so joyful that I get to share my life with you!!!!!
Monday, June 9, 2014
And boy oh boy does their son have some fun for his new little sister!!!
It all began with an email......
name is Amy. My husband and I live in PA with our 4
year old son (adopted from Ethiopia in Feb. 2010) through AGCI. We have
been in the process of our second adoption since Dec. 2010 with AGCI.
I came across your blog several years ago and have been following some
of the adoption stories that you have shared. My husband have been
praying about doing a concurrent adoption while we wait. I would really
like some more information on what you do as an adoption consultant and
what the process would look like.
I look forward to hearing from you. - sent February 19th
A connection- as we both have adopted through AGCI (All God's Children International) Ethiopia program. We brought out son home from Ethiopia about a year before Amy & Ian did.
Then within a few days of phone calls and emails......this beautiful family signed on to do an adoption with Christian Adoption Consultants. By
March 26th their profile was finished and ready to go!!!
May 9th they were matched with a precious birth mom that they felt a special connection to. They just hadn't really shown their profile.....but then God knew just the child and birth mother that they were to be matched with. Almost 2 weeks to the day later this amazing baby girl was born.......awwww........
2 Months from being ready to show their profile they were holding their sweet girl in their arms!!!!
Now as you can see we had the EXTREME PLEASURE of meeting with this beautiful family!!!
We invited them into our home and shared a lot of conversation, laughs, food, fellowship, and the commonality of adoption.
I may have been totally in my element? ;)
Enamored with those tiny beautiful features :).
**Yes this photo is a little off center.....guess who was taking it ;)....
My girls all took turns holding this precious little one.
Talking about how they remember when Joanna was that little....
How they wanted another baby sister.....
And just enjoying snuggles!!!
They will all make amazing mothers one day!!!!
Melts my heart.
These 2....words can't really describe!!! I am thinking.....arranged marriage? ;) he he he he he he.......
Want to talk adoption?
Have questions about how it all works with Christian Adoption Consultants?
What are the benefits anyway?
or 813-360-7368
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Christian Adoption Consultants Summer Discount June 2-6!!! Don't miss out :)
Summer is finally here with the warmer temps, flip flops, and barbeques. You might have plans to head to the beach or the pool, spend more time with family and friends, or get some projects checked off your list.
But summer is also a space to dream. Do you have anything on your bucket list that this summer would be a perfect time to check off? What if our bucket lists were more than exotic trips and thrill-seeking adventures? What if our bucket list included changing another life, investing in the eternal, and answering God's call to care for the orphan?
Have you ever dreamed about adoption? Maybe starting the adoption process should be on your summer bucket list. Christian Adoption Consultants is committed to helping families realize their dreams and answer God's call to add to their family through adoption.
With that in mind, we're pleased to offer a summer discount! We will be offering 10% off all full service consulting packages. (This discount does not apply to our Do It Yourself Program and may not be combined with any other discounts.)
This discount applies to all applications received
today until June 6th.
We only offer discounts like this a few times a year - don't miss out!
today until June 6th.
We only offer discounts like this a few times a year - don't miss out!
This might be the year your family starts an adventure and you check adoption off your bucket list!
Want more info on Christian Adoption Consultants? Click here.
What did it mean to us to hire an adoption consultant? Click here.
Want to get started or get an info packet? Click here.
What if you have more questions? Click here.
Or feel free to call me 813-360-7368!!!
Have FB, a blog, pinterest, email- Please pass this information along!!! :)
***Oh and stay tuned because I have some beautiful families I will be posting about soon along with their precious sweethearts!!! :)
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